Become a Member
Individual subscription rate
- $97.00 monthly subscription auto renew
- $114.00 monthly subscription renew manually
- $1,000 billed annual subscription auto renew
Family subscription rate (up to 5 family members)
- $197.00 monthly subscription auto renew
- $214.00 monthly subscription renew manually
- $2,200 billed annual subscription auto renew
- Additional family members = $35 each per month
Additional life coaching minutes
Minutes are available to add on to your membership if your current needs require more than the included two sessions of your membership
- Additional 15-minute blocks are available at $25.00
- The minutes can roll over to the next month (however, there are no refunds given for unused additional minutes)
Disclaimer that all subscriptions must be paid in full prior to receiving any services from Virtual Hope Corporation
Peer-to-Peer Professional Career Mentoring/Consulting
Feeling burned out in your job? Needing guidance for a stressful situation at work? Need motivation in changing careers? Needing some mentoring and coaching? Join us on Virtual Hope for peer-to-peer professional career mentoring services that fosters communication freely and openly about your professional needs, aspirations, and challenges without fear of judgement. A perfect option for those in Executive type positions, helping professions, and fast-paced careers.
30 minutes for $45