
  • Setting clear and healthy boundaries for you and your family
    • Set clear expectations of what you will allow and what you will not allow
      • You will have to stick to these expectations in order to maintain your healthy boundaries for you and your family

    • These expectations should be discussed in detail and agreed upon by all members of the family. This will ensure all members of the family are comfortable with the decision and will be able to uphold the decision when your loved one who is suffering or in active addiction attempts to manipulate a member of the family.
    • Create a support team that you and your family can call on for guidance, support, and encouragement when you are unsure of what to do

  • Manipulation Tactics that you may be faced with from your loved one who is suffering from the disease or in active addiction
    • They are hungry and need money
    • They will die if you do not give then money
    • They have no place to go and need money
    • They promise if you give them money just one more time that they will get help after this
    • They will hate you if you do not give them money
    • They will say “You do not love them” if you do not give the money
    • They will ask “How could you turn your back on them” if you refuse to give them money
    • They will say “They will never talk to you again and you will never see them again” if you do not give them money

  • Resistance and what to do when your family member or loved one is not ready to receive treatment
    • Create a healthy space and place for non-judgmental conversations to take place
    • Listen with an open ear and try to not bring emotion into the conversation, rather stick to facts on patterns, history, current situations and offer solution focused feedback
    • Do your homework and have resources that are available for when your family member or loved one is ready to receive the help
    • Create a budget or decide on what resources that you and your family are willing and can invest in getting help for your loved one